Seasons come and seasons go, only God is constant and eternal
There is so much more to your life you may never understand, it may look seemingly insignificant in the ordinary scheme of things. But very powerful in the spiritual realm. There is nothing insignificant about the life of anyone who has the life of Christ. It may seem like you are wasting time, but you are not.
There is nothing insignificant about your life. Don’t let what you are going through define you, don’t let what people call you or say about you define who you are; it is only what God has said in His Word, the Bible that counts.
God says you are His Beloved, His Friend, He declared in His Word that you are loved with an everlasting love, so much so that He sent His one and only begotten son Jesus to die for you. He already saw you in the state you are in, and still went to the cross, to die and atone for your sins. You are worth dying for. God is so interested in you that not one hair falls off your head without His knowledge. There is a seal of ownership upon your life, because you were bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus.
Your times are in His hands. The Bibles makes us to understand that the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord. As long as you are in God and with God, keep keeping on, and trusting God, and walking in step with Him. He has got it all figured out.
Jesus was unknown for thirty years, during those thirty years, he was known as the son of Joseph the son of Heli, the carpenter. He was seemingly unknown by human standard. One would assume he was wasting time. But the Bible records that he grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. and when it was time, it was time, the heavens were opened and an announcement was made for all to hear. And His life was never the same again.
It does not take God anything to turn your life around! When it is time it is time. While you wait, remain faithful and keep keeping on. DO YOU KNOW JESUS?