Anywhere He went, He was doing good: Almighty healer, He healed the leper, when the cripple saw Him, they started walking, everywhere He went, my Lord was doing good.

It could be that you had to quietly push your way through the crowd, beating all the odds, just to touch the hem of His garment, or by shouting at the top of your lungs, so He can hear you above the noise, or maybe you are just minding your business by the well, overwhelmed by your present circumstance, but just trying to do the routine in order to keep your sanity, or it’s that, you definitely have to climb up a tree, to even be able to see Him, because the world has made you believe you are limited; or you are by the pool, dejected, with all hopes lost, but just laying there, so people won’t say you didn’t even try, or even worse, you have been caught in the very act, and have been drag before Him to be stoned to death.

As long as you can make it to where He is, Still come! It does not matter how you get to Him.

It does not matter the circumstance surrounding your present situation, nor the state in which you are in. Jesus is amiable, He will not condemn you, His arms are open wide to receive you, as long as you COME.

While Jesus was on earth, the Bible records that anywhere Jesus went He was doing good. He is the one and only true Son of God, The Commander of Heavens armies, The Lord of Host is His name. Yet, because of Love, He came down to earth, and was made incarnate of the Virgin Mary, He suffered and was Crucified; the highest form of humiliation and death. The Son of God hung on a tree and died, so that He can pay the full penalty for disobedience to the Father which is Death! He paid this great price, to redeem as many that will come to Him from the bondage of Sin. So that man no more will die.

Even before He was crucified, His whole life on earth epitomized His mission. He was Compassionate, He was Loving, He was Caring, He was merciful. He never condemned anyone. And above all He was always mindful of the people, and always favoured the helpless and the humble.

He was never too busy to stop, nor too focused on His mission not to care for the hungry, the sick, the harlot or the oppressed, even the Teachers of the Law are not left out, nor the Mad; the list goes on and on. And it’s even been recorded that the Bible would not be enough to record all the accounts of His great work while on earth.

The ground is leveled at the foot of the Cross; COME!

“Man of Sorrows!” what a name, for the Son of God, who came, ruined sinners to reclaim, Hallelujah! What a Savior! Philip P. Bliss, pub.1875


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