How are you Sleeping?
Two women, referred to as ‘Prostitutes’. Very typical of people to give labels.
Anyways, their real names are not mentioned, all we know about them is that they were Prostitutes, who lived together and they both put to bed around the same time; three days apart.
According to the account of one of the Prostitute; “During the night this woman’s (That is the other prostitute living with her) son died because she lay (Slept) on him. So, she got up in the middle of the night and took my son from my side while I your servant was asleep. She put him by her breast and put her dead son by my breast. The next morning, I got up to nurse my son—and he was dead! But when I looked at him closely in the morning light, I saw that it wasn’t the son I had borne”.
It was at night they slept, which actually is a good time to sleep. But, how were they sleeping is now the question? To the extent that a Child died and an exchange took place, and they were both unaware at the different instances. Worse off, of all, was how the mother of the living baby slept; She was so deep in sleep that she was not aware of the major events happening around her: That her neighbor’s Baby had died, and that after the neighbor realized what had happened, came over to her side of the bed and exchanged her own living baby and left the dead baby. She was even going to nurse the dead baby and seemed to have accepted her fate, that her baby was dead. Thank God for LIGHT; it was in the Morning Light, she then realized that the dead baby by her side was not hers. Thank God for the wisdom of the King, she would has lost her baby a second time.
These two women both fell asleep, and while they slept, two major events took place. A baby died and an exchange happened that resulted in temporary loss, that landed them before the King.
Whatever giftings that God has given to you, guard it well, and put it to good use. Because someone else is just waiting to take it from you. Do not take the calling and giftings of God upon your life for granted. Like the case of the Prostitute whose living Baby was replaced with a dead one. It was while she slept that the exchange happened. Do not sleep the sleep of ignorance which can lead to death. But for Divine intervention.
There is a way you would sleep, if you are aware that you are a custodian of something precious. You would not sleep carelessly.