We don’t die; we live, We don’t loose; we Win

Life is summed up in three phases;

Birth, growth, death

With uncertainties; the order of a day

With life, comes divers’ share of tribulations, with all kinds of evil

Let’s not forget the joys, wins and blessings too.

Yet, nothing is truly promised, nothing is certain

As uncertain as life is, one thing is certain; DEATH!

This is so because of SIN, hence, nothing last forever,

In this world, death and decay are inevitable, because we live in a fallen world

But, for those who know their God, it is not so;

They are strong, and do great exploits

Nothing can deters them, nothing can limit them

Their inward man is renewed day by day

Because the life that they live, is not theirs,

They live the life of Christ in God!

“…For we know that neither death, nor life, nor things present, nor things to come,

Can ever separate us, from the love of God, in Christ Jesus”.

Therefore we are bold to say:

“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”

Jesus conquered the grave and gave us victory!

And He arose, to ensure we are not enslaved to the lie

We overcome!

Do you know Jesus?


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