Full,Satisfying Life!
'In Him we live, and move and have our being'
Long ago, I heard a phrase that has stuck with me ever since. This phrase, have shaped the way I view and see life; it has also proven to be true in so many ways: “When God was about to make land animals, scrubs, food giving trees and plants etc, He spoke to the earth, and the earth brought them forth. if you take them out of their natural habitat, they cannot survive. When He wanted to make the Fishes of the sea and the creatures therein, He spoke to the waters. If you take sea/water animals and plants out of their natural habitat, they cannot survive either. When He wanted to make man, He spoke to Himself. And the same thing applies, if you take man outside of God, man cannot survive”. Why do people then think they can survive without God?
Full and satisfying life is not in the possessions you have or in how much money you have, it is not in your achievements, it is not even in how excellent a performance you can put up, nor in the validations or the praises and applauses you get from people etc. These will only feed your ego, and could lead you into the bondage of always wanting to please, outperform, or always striving to be good enough.
Outperforming, trying to measure up, trying to impress and trying to prove something will only take your joy away, resulting in distractions that will keep you from fulfilling your God giving assignment. Life is not a one size fits all. There are no two human beings that are the same. You are unique all by yourself. You have gifts and talents that are uniquely you. Your job is not to please people or to do things to get people to validate you; your job is to live your life daily to please God. He is the one in charge of your destiny, and He is the one that you will give account to, of how you lived your life. Don’t get baited into thinking that it is in your performance or outperforming that you will be fulfilled. Take rest in who God made you to be, and run your own race. Nobody else can help you to run your own race. Be the best you that you can be. if you really want to compete, compete against yourself.
Your value does not come from what you do, how talented you are, how many people look up to you or how many people like you. These are superficial; if they change, your self-worth will change. Your self-worth and value should come from the knowledge that you are a Child of God and that you are a man/woman loved by God.
Full, satisfying life cannot be found in any other, except in Jesus. He is the only one that will satisfy you completely and not ask anything grievous of you. Without Jesus, you cannot know God, and if you do not have a relationship with God, you cannot know the numerous blessings, favours, grace and mercies made available for you as a Child of God. It is in knowing and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour, that opens you up to receiving and living a full and satisfying life here on earth.