The Power of Covenant
‘…I will never break my covenant with you…’ GOD
Yaweh, The Covenant Keeping God
Covenant in this context, is an agreement entered into by one or two persons; it is not a contract between equals; rather, it is between God and man.
I got to realize at a young age that God is a covenant keeping God, and He keeps covenant. When you genuinely enter into covenant with God, He is more than able to keep it; with not just you, but also to a thousand of your generation who keep true to Him. God knows how feeble man is, that is why covenant is not a contract. All men, even the best of them can fail, but God cannot.
Long ago in the late 90s when I discovered this Truth, I quickly utilized it to my advantage. Because, I wondered how it could be possible to remain a virgin until marriage in this age, having heard about the virtue and pride associated with this form of purity and chaste. I really did desire it with all my heart. Nevertheless, I was true to myself and knew fully well that I would not be able to achieve this feat by myself. I was in my teens then, with my hormones flying here and there; the songs playing on the airways, the books and novels I was exposed to, and Biology, Yes Biology, did not help matters. And not to mention the Handsome and cool guys around; both on TV, at Church and at School, some of whom I really admired and really liked, even though I was quite shy, and knew how to hide my emotions and feelings very well; still did not help.
I desired to remain a virgin, not to show off, nor to boast about it; but because I knew somewhere deep within me that it was the right thing to do, and I am one person who always wants to do the right thing. And apart from knowing it was the right thing, I was already born again, and in a relationship with Jesus. And His Word, the Holy Bible told me that God hates sin and cannot stand inequity. And Fornication is Sin, against God, and also against His temple my body. Mehen! I didn’t want to do anything God hates.
So, when I discovered that entering into covenant with God; meant trusting Him wholeheartedly, knowing He is the One who will see me through; that by yourself, I would fail, I quickly committed myself to Him and entered into covenant with Him. I remember entering into this covenant while seating at the back seat of my Daddy’s car one hot afternoon. I quickly said a prayer and asked God to keep me a virgin until after my wedding. And God, the COVENANT KEEPER, did it! HE KEPT ME.
Did attraction to boys, suddenly stop? Nope! Did boys not approach me anymore? Of course, many did, even some so-called brothers in the Church tried to manipulate me into doing sex. Did I never feel heat and wanted to just do it and damn the consequence? I can never forget that night in 2012. LOL. It was intense, and so many other nights like these. Yet, through those nights and days, The Angels of God were always there, they never left, because God was committed to keeping His own part of the Covenant.
What is that situation or circumstance you feel and know that by yourself you cannot make it through? This Virginity story is just one of many. Enter into a covenant with God today. Tell Him about it, He will definitely step in. He always keeps His own end; because, He is THE COVENANT KEEPING GOD.